

No Wonder...

There is this boy in my anthropology class. He has shiny hair, a great smile, wears lovely clothes and sometimes when we sit by each other I hear him make funny jokes to his friends. I could like this boy, I just know it. So a few days ago I decided while we were sitting by eachother I would strike up a conversation, but the starting line had to be perfect and inviting. I came up with three options:

"Hey sorry, but can I by chance steal your notes from last class? I zoned out for parts of the lecture..." No, that wouldn't be right I have to seem smart and dedicated! 

"Hi, I'm Kelsey. Let's be friends?" Lame. But finally I thought of the perfect one...

 I decided that I would just forget a pen and ask him kindly for one. That's a good conversation starter... So, today I pretended to frantically look through my bag, whipped my newly dyed shiny hair over my shoulder for him to see, and turned and asked: "Hey can I borrow a pen or something? I can't find mine..."

 He turned and smiled a perfectly white smile in my direction while taking off his coat and said he would lend me one after he disentangled himself from his jacket; (haha, he's so cute.)  but then the unthinkable happened. I went from looking at those pearly whites to the bright pink shirt that was slowly revealing itself as more jacket came off (it wasn't the cute pink guys can pull off) and saw this: 

"RHA-- proudly supporting all gays, lesbians, and transexuals on campus."

My crush is gay. No wonder his v-necks were so low and his jokes so funny. 


  1. hahahhahahahha......seriously.....priceless...

  2. That is hilarious! no wonder he was so good looking. Most gay men are. It's such a shame.

  3. Ohhh man that was so funny! Maybe ask him if he has a straight brother (or twin) ? I mean it's worth a try:)
    Angie K

  4. Ha ha ha hilarious!!

    Ok I'm so excited right now that I found your blog. Don't mind my stalking


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