

Yew Nears

I can't believe it's been one year since I wrote a New Years post. It always amazes me every year how much can change and stay the same. For me this is a time where I put my life in order. I figure out where I want to go, what I want to be to be, and what I want to do in the next year and then try to stick to it. These were my resolutions last year:
1. I will record one song and show it to more than 5 people. I write all these compositions and things on the piano and never ever show them to anyone. 
2. I'm going to get a job at Chapters and live happily throughout the summer telling people my opinions on the latest great fantasy series. (dream big!)
3. I'm going to run, swim, and bike enough to be able to be a member of a team for the Magrath Triathlon. I've always wanted one of the real t-shirts, not the lame ones the volunteers wear.
4. I will not go home between classes and watch the OC. or sleep. or eat nutella. (Eat nutella during classes, not all together, that would just be wrong.)
5. To actually accomplish one of these resolutions, haha just kidding. I will get over my phobia of parents.
I'm happy to say I recorded a song (which no one is ever ever going to hear haha), I didn't go home between classes, I got over my phobia of parents (which I never thought would happen), and I did probably the most tedious resolution ever of taking a picture every single day. I'm happy with what I've accomplished this last year, and even though I didn't work at Chapters or participate in the Magrath triathlon I really just don't care. For me, the new year is saying goodbye to all the bad and starting fresh. So here's not my New Years resolutions, but my New Years farewells:

Farewell every bad mark I ever got, every test that was so long my hand would cramp up in the middle of it, every research essay, every early morning EDFX class, every crappy day at work. Goodbye the boss I never liked, the days of nothingness, the days of procrastination, the sharp words, the gossip, and the mean girly glares. Hasta la vista Nietzsche, Hemingway,  and Petrarch; you will not be missed. Goodbye fast food in ANY form. Goodbye irregular sleep patterns. Au revoir quick temper and dry skin. Fare thee well fat pants that I wear during midterms and finals; and last but not least,

goodbye my picked hang nails, because from here on out you're no longer going to be picked. 

Oh and I like this video...

1 comment:

  1. Hey that video was awesome! Thanks for sharing it!
    Oh, and I super duper love the idea of New Years Farewells - Excellent Post!


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