


Last year I went to the U of A. I felt prestigious, I felt intelligent, and best of all I felt like I was at Hogwarts. When it was snowing out and I was walking on the brick sidewalks I couldn't help but wish to scream out Wingardium Leviosa! Or something along those lines... But,  despite all the beauty of the campus, I didn't like it. It was too big, the asians were too smart, everyone had an accent I couldn't keep up with. I was discouraged, overwhelmed, and unhappy. So this year I decided to take a chance and change schools. I resolved on Grant MacEwan. It's really small and pretty and to my delight cheaper! I'm saving not only a few bucks but a ton of stress for other things besides school. So far I have loved everything about it! I love all of my professors, I love the classroom atmosphere, and I love seeing people I know all the time, not just immigrants! It's here that I am finally excited for school and to finish my education. I feel like being a teacher is right. They're so motivational! They actually care how I am doing in my classes. They learn my name and ask my opinion and encourage me to make my own decision and use my own discretion. I. Love. Grant. MacEwan. Sometimes I want to sing to the heavens how much I love it!


  1. "The asians were too smart". Haha. They're also the slowest walkers on the entire planet. At least we have that going for us.

  2. You know Kelsey, now you are going to marry an Asian and move to some far away place and live in a house with his whole family (even Grandparents) and have 1 baby. JKS! Though I think you should start complaining about gorgeous and kind millionaires and see where that takes you :) I am glad you like school, can't wait to see you at Christmas. TTYS

    Angie K


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