

The Young and The Restless

I must make a confession. I love teeny bopper romance. Nothing makes my belly shake with laughter more than to see a facebook status such as this:
 _______ is missing my baby:(
 _______ wishes you could look at me the way i look at you. xxx :(
________ the more you hate us together the more i love him.

Those sentences followed by a thousand black filled hearts bring me to tears from laughter. As I read blogs, or facebooks statuses pop up on my home page, my day is brightened with I see how ridiculous "them younger folk" are. How metaphorical and sentimental this generation has become, how non-descriptive and mysterious all their sentences are. People may criticize, but I say let them pour out their hearts for my enjoyment on the internet, because it is there, that love becomes real. That boyfriend and girlfriend TRULY become boyfriend and girlfriend. Ahh the hilarity of it all. I truly miss those days sometimes. Maybe that's why I love Justin Bieber? It reminds me of simpler times when I wrote my feelings out by my name on msn.

Which brings me to my next confession, I used to be like that. I found my journal from when I was in grade 8 and I'd like to share some treasures. haha.

March 2, 2005
"We went to the grade 8 boys final tournament and Austin Prince from Raymond didn't expect me to be there and we were walking out and the Raymond boys were walking in and I saw Austin and he says he couldn't breath and like neither could I."

March 4, 2005 (this was just a hilarious week)
"Today we went to Coach Carter with those Raymond boys. The movie started and I was sitting by Austin and Jordan was sitting by me and Anthony (Sieben). Jordan is going out with Rawley Selk from Cardston, but she can talk to Anthony so easily so she kinda likes him more even though she already has a B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D. LOL!!! But ya, Katie is going out with Jared Baker and they held hands for the first time for Jared. But I was sad cuz Katie's growing up so fast that its kinda scaring me. (haha i love that sentence) I LOVE AUSTIN. I want to hold his hand!"

hahahaha. What can I say, I was young?


  1. Thank you that just made my day! haha I love it!

  2. OHHH Kelsey! You were so CUTE! :) I think that stuff is funny too.

    Angie K

  3. hahahaha this is so funny. I think I actually remember hearing about Austin being breathless when he saw you that one time. haha cute.

  4. ooooooh boy kelsey...i don't know whether to laugh or cry. i hid my old journals far far away from my reach in fear that i might find something nauseating in them. it's fun to look back though.

    but back to lecture at hand, katie's not as innocent as she's played out to be all these years! ima tease her relentlessly about this for the next week she's still living here. hand-holding skank! hahaha

  5. KELSEY! I have stumbled upon a GOLDMINE in finding your blog. hahah.


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