

I'm possibly the luckiest person I know...

So today I was walking home from my afternoon class after wandering around aimlessly for the administration's office (it was impossible to see or else I'm partially blind, either or.), and when I got close to my building I suddenly had this thought to go check on my car... Let me back track and tell the story behind that:
I had to go to tons of YSA stuff this weekend that were too far away for bus so I drove a ton and with me not having a parking spot in my building since I'm not on th
e lease and can't seem to get one I have this one spot that's public and not illegal or anything. Super lucky! And usually I can get that spot but since I left it empty so much this weekend some sneaky little devil snatched it up and so I was forced to park illegally... Yes, I know, I'm a criminal. But I didn't want to have to walk ten blocks just to get to drive for 10 mins for groceries! And this was actually closer to what I had before so I was perfectly content to not abiding by the law this once...
BUT anyways I was walking home and I got this crazy feeling to go check on my car so I was just like: "uhh ok, whatever you say conscience." and proceeded to walk over there and this is where it's AMAZING. The ticket man was out just going down the street throwing them on every winshield and the tow
trucks were there to just grab the cars and take them away. To my complete luck the man was ticketing the car right infront of me. If I'd ignored that instinct or decided to just go check it later who knows where my car would be or what I'd be paying right now. SO LUCKY! any later time and BAM there goes my entertainment money for the next... 3 months? so yes that was my cool story of the day. Also, I tried to make a side kicks and forgot about the milk and water boiling while writing this little blog and it was a catastrophe. Our house stinks of burnt milk. I got a picture! so hopefully that works on this too.. anyways, that's all. :)


  1. Your lucky they let you take your car. When I was visiting Jill we noticed we were about to get a ticket and towed and the man wouldn't let us in the car to move it so we had to sit there and watch the car get towed. The tow tuck guy was nice though and unhitched our car so we didn't have to go get it from anywhere.
    By the way if you don't clean up the burnt milk before you use the stove again it will stink all over again.
    Did you ever find that building with Dustin's directions?

    P.S. was that the blog problem?

  2. I cant stand when things boil over in that two seconds that you look away...thats super awesome about getting to your car in time....and parking illegally?....has matt been rubbing off on you?

  3. that anonymous was me!!

  4. You are the luckiest person not only are you getting out of tickets you have Meg, Amy and I as sisters. Yup one LUCKY girl!!!! HEHE!


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